At Initech, we firmly believe that online marketing must be carefully adapted to the level of digital infrastructure, and particular user behavior specific to each country. We feel this is paramount to creating positive, and truly interactive, brand and customer experiences online. Corporative’s cross-cultural nature and approach take the localization needs of its global clients to the next level.

  • What is an appraisal?

    An appraisal is an opinion of a property’s market value as of a specified date which is performed by a certified or licensed real estate appraiser. This opinion is based on an investigation of the subject property, the neighborhood, as well as market conditions and appropriate comparable sales. The opinion is determined by a process that typically uses three “Common approaches to value.” These common approaches to value include:

    • Cost Approach –This is what it would cost to replace improvements less physical deterioration and other factors, plus the land value.
    • Sales Comparison Approach—This involves making a comparison to other similar properties which have recently sold. The Sales Comparison Approach is the best indicator of value for a residential property.
    • Income Approach—This is important when appraising income producing properties, which involves estimating what an investor would pay based on the income produced by the property.

  • What does an appraiser do?

  • Why would a someone need a home appraisal?

  • What is the difference between an appraisal and a home inspection?

  • What is the difference between an Appraisal and a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)?

  • Where does an appraiser get the information used to determine his/her opinion of market value?

  • How do I get ready for the appraiser?


Houston Office (Headquarters)
320 Detering Suite B
(713) 432-1616

  • 320 Detering Suite B
  • (713) 432-1616

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